Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Executive will be asked to consider
agreeing to give effect to the requirements of the Local Planning
Authority in respect of Planning Applications PLAN/2019/1177 and
The Executive received a report which sought authority to give effect to certain requirements of the local planning authority if it was minded to grant planning permission for development of land owned by the Council at (i) Woking Football Club and (ii) Egley Road, Woking. The Director of Legal and Democratic Services, Peter Bryant, provided the Executive with an update on the report. The Executive was informed that, following publication of the report, GolDev, the developer of the proposed football club development, had contacted the Council to advise that there was a mistake in the proposed Executive Undertakings attached at Appendix 1 to the published report. Item 11 on page 344 of the Agenda Pack referred to the provision of an electric fold-up bike with every apartment at the Kingfield development. The intention of GolDev was to provide fold-up bikes. The Executive noted that there was no planning justification to require electric bikes and therefore Planning colleagues were content that the bikes to be provided, if planning permission was granted, should only be fold-up and not electric. The Executive noted the amendment to Appendix 1.
Following a query it was confirmed that the Executive Undertakings would be expanded upon, if planning permission was granted, and there would be a planning development agreement between the Council as landowner, the 2nd Party would be GolDev Woking Limited and the 3rd Party would be the joint applicant for the planning permission, Woking Football Club.
Regarding controls on the provision of affordable homes, the Executive was advised that the agreement would prevent the developer from paying a commuted sum as opposed to providing the affordable homes onsite. It was noted that if the developer subsequently wanted to change the manner in which affordable homes were provided, the developer would need to seek agreement from the Council, both in its capacity as the local planning authority and as landowner.
Following a question from Councillor Barker as to how the travel plan would be monitored, Officers undertook to consult with Planning colleagues and advise Councillor Barker outside the meeting.
That (i) the Council shall procure that the Executive Undertakings in respect of planning applications PLAN/2019/1176 and PLAN/2019/1177 set out in the Appendix to the report, as amended regarding the provision of fold-up bikes, are complied with; and
(ii) authority be delegated to the Chief Executive to give Executive Undertaking(s) if the Planning Committee requires changes to the Executive Undertakings set out in the Appendix, as amended regarding the provision of fold-up bikes, to the report.
Reason: To enable the local planning authority to be certain that its requirements will be met if it is minded to grant the planning permissions sought.
Wards Affected: Hoe Valley;
Recommend to Council?: No;
Cllr Bittleston, Portfolio Holder.
Contact: Peter Bryant, Director of Legal and Democratic Services Email:
Publication date: 14/07/2020
Date of decision: 22/06/2020
Decided at meeting: 22/06/2020 - Executive
Effective from: 01/07/2020
Accompanying Documents: