Decision details

2018/0207 Land Between Railway and Egley Road, Woking

Decision Maker: Planning Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


[NOTE 1: The Planning Officer advised the Committee of an update to the description of the application, which is detailed below;


Advertisement consent for 8no. signs comprising 3no. halo illuminated fixed wall lettering signs (signs 2, 3 and 3b) and 5no. free standing double sided non-illuminated signs (signs 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7)]


[NOTE 2: The Committee was advised that Network Rail had no comments on the application.


[NOTE 3: Due to the changes noted in Note 1, the Committee was advised that the top line of Condition 2 on page 86 should read ‘External signage setting out 2 of 3 (PL051 Rev 1) rec 28.03.18’]


The Committee considered an application which related to the Hoe Valley School site where a new secondary school and leisure facilities were under construction but nearing completion. The whole site extended to some 11 hectares and comprised a secondary school and community leisure building, athletics track, grass pitches, artificial grass pitches and multi-use games areas. Access into the site was off Egley Road with a car park being provided to the front of the school and community leisure building.




That advertisement consent be granted subject to conditions.

Wards Affected: Heathlands;

Publication date: 09/05/2018

Date of decision: 10/04/2018

Decided at meeting: 10/04/2018 - Planning Committee

Accompanying Documents: