Decision details

100% Business Rates Retention Pilot

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To agree proposals for Surrey Business Rates Pilot.


The Executive received a report which sought approval of the arrangements for the Council’s inclusion in the Surrey County bid for 100% Business Rates Retention in 2018/19.  It was explained that the proposal for a Surrey-wide pilot would need to incorporate Surrey County Council and all the Surrey Districts and Boroughs in order to be accepted by the government.  Following a question regarding autonomy, Officers advised that the pilot would result in no changes to the Council’s business rates system, how the Council awarded any discretionary payments or to the business rates appeals system.  Regarding financial analysis and risk mitigation, Officers explained that advisors for Surrey had not considered the pilot to be a significant risk and that financial analysis undertaken had supported that view.  The Executive noted that details of the pilot bid would not be shared publically so as not to undermine the bid.  The Executive supported the Council’s inclusion in the joint bid which, if successful, would result in additional resources being retained locally.


That     (i)    the Council works with Surrey County Council and the other Surrey Districts and Boroughs to develop a joint bid to be a pilot for the 2018/19 Business Rates retention scheme; and

            (ii)   the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and Leader, approves the detail and terms of the bid and signs the application on behalf of the Council.

Reason:     To approve arrangements for the Council’s inclusion in the Surrey County bid for 100% Business Rates Retention in 2018/19.


Wards Affected: (All Wards);


Portfolio Holder.

Contact: Leigh Clarke, Director of Finance Email:

Report author: Julie Northcote

Publication date: 01/11/2017

Date of decision: 12/10/2017

Decided at meeting: 12/10/2017 - Executive

Accompanying Documents: