Decision details

Delegated Authority Write Off - Sundry Debtors, December 2024

Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Financial regulation 12.14 states:

Any debt due to the Council may only be written off with the authorisation of the Executive - except insofar as an individual debt does not exceed £10,000.00; the initial authority may be given by the Chief Finance Officer, who shall be required to publish periodically reports of the debts that have been written off, in accordance with the delegated authority.

The Business Support Manager is exercising an authority delegated to them by the CFO for debts up to £5,000.00.

The Financial Services Manager is exercising an authority delegated to them by the CFO for debts up to £10,000.00.

The Financial Director (Chief Finance Officer) is exercising this delegated authority/recommendation for debts over £10,000.00.

There is delegated authority for Business Support Officers to authorise small debt write offs of £100.00 and under.


To write off Sundry debts during the month of December 2024.

Under £5,000.00 - 2 debts - total: £1,124.92.

Reasons for the decision:

The debts are considered uncollectable and have been written off for the following reasons:

Uneconomical to Pursue - £482.92.
Otherwise Irrecoverable - £642.00.

Alternative options considered:

All efforts to recover these debts have been pursued.

Declarations: No Executive Member consulted.

Contact: Molly Doyle, Business Support Officer 01483 755855 Email:

Publication date: 24/01/2025

Date of decision: 07/01/2025