Decision details

2025/26 Council Tax Base

Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Emergency/Urgency Powers -
Each Corporate Leadership Team Officer is authorised to act in an emergency, or in relation to an urgent matter, arising in respect of any powers, duties or functions of the Council. The exercise of this delegation shall, where practicable, be in consultation with the Leader of the Council or (in their absence) the Deputy Leader of the Council.


The Council Tax Base for 2025/26 be agreed as 42,879.84, band D equivalents.

Reasons for the decision:

The Council has a statutory obligation to set the Council Tax base by 31st January in each year.

Reason Key: It is likely to result in the Council incurring significant expenditure or savings.;

Declarations: None.

Contact: Stephen Fitzgerald, Strategic Director for Finance (Section 151 Officer) Telephone: 01483 743070, Email:

Publication date: 30/01/2025

Date of decision: 29/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: