13 Health and Wellbeing Strategy EXE20-076 PDF 132 KB
Reporting Person – Julie Fisher
Additional documents:
The Executive received a report which set out the work undertaken to create a Health and Wellbeing Strategy in collaboration with residents and partners, and which sought approval to the North West Surrey Integrated Care Partnership Alliance Agreement. The Executive noted that the report provided information on the excellent work already being undertaken by the Council and its partners, in particular the work during the pandemic to support resident’s mental and physical health. The Strategy would enable the Council to work with partners to better deliver services that supported the health and wellbeing of the Borough’s residents.
It was agreed that the Alliance Agreement would be brought to the Health and Wellbeing Task Group once the other members of the Partnership were content with the Agreement.
The Executive welcomed the good news report and looked forward to a Health and Wellbeing Strategy and programme of work being reported back to the Executive in Spring 2021.
That (i) the work to create a Health and Wellbeing Strategy in collaboration with residents and partners be noted;
(ii) the North West Surrey Integrated Care Partnership Alliance Agreement be supported and authority to sign the Alliance Agreement be delegated to the Chief Executive; and
(iii) a Health and Wellbeing Strategy and programme of work be reported back to Executive in Spring 2021.
Reason: To enable the Council to work with partners to better deliver services that support the Health and Wellbeing of Woking residents.