10 Citizens Advice Woking - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-084 PDF 145 KB
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The Executive received an application for a revenue grant from Citizens Advice Woking towards the core service of the Charity, the Guildford County Court Helpdesk, the Financial Capability Programme and the service charge for the accommodation at Provincial House.
Councillor Forster reported that he was pleased that the Council was supporting the application to the level applied for, and had attended its recent AGM along with Councillor Harlow. The work carried out by the organisation was stated to have increased due to the effects of the pandemic, particularly in relation to Universal Credit, and was expected to continue to do so over the ensuing year.
Councillor Ashall welcomed the comments and stated that it was the intention of the Executive to support the organisation at the level applied for as there would be a high demand for its services in the current climate.
RESOLVED, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process,
That (i) core funding of £218,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget to continue to support the core service of Citizens’ Advice Woking;
(ii) funding of £10,000 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the costs of the Guildford County Court Help Desk;
(iii) funding of £11,500 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget to ensure the continuation of the Financial Capability programme; and
(iv) the Council continues to cover the service charge for the accommodation at Provincial House from the Community Grants Budget, which for next year will be circa £53,000.
Reason: To enable the organisation to provide its services to Woking residents.