Issue - meetings

Your Sanctuary - Application for Financial Assistance

Meeting: 10/12/2020 - Executive (Item 64)

64 yourSanctuary - Application for Financial Assistance EXE20-099 pdf icon PDF 131 KB

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The Executive received an application for a revenue grant from Your Sanctuary towards its Domestic Abuse service in the Borough.

Following a suggestion by Councillor Forster, Councillor Ashall agreed that the funding awarded to Your Sanctuary be amended from £24,000 to the sum of £24,250, representing the amount originally applied for.  The Executive noted the ongoing and excellent work undertaken by the Charity and agreed the amendment.


That, subject to the outcome of the Council’s budgetary process, a grant of £24,250 be awarded from the Community Grants Budget towards the cost of the service.

Reason:   To enable the excellent and valued work of the Group tackling Domestic Abuse to take place.