Next Steps Accommodation Programme EXE20-125.
Additional documents:
The Council had before it recommendations for the acquisition of 121 Chertsey Road for use as move-on accommodation for rough sleepers who had been accommodated during the Covid-19 pandemic. The recommendations were introduced by Councillor Harlow, Portfolio Holder for Housing, and were welcomed by the Council.
That (i) subject to the Government grant funding being secured, the acquisition of 121 Chertsey Road for use as move-on accommodation be approved at a total cost of up to £6.7million; and
(ii) the Director of Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, be authorised to take all necessary actions to secure the grant funding and deliver the scheme.
7 Next Steps Accommodation Programme EXE20-125 PDF 80 KB
Reporting Person – Louise Strongitharm
Additional documents:
The Executive received a report which sought approval to recommend to Council the acquisition of 121 Chertsey Road for use as move-on accommodation for rough sleepers who had been accommodated during the Covid-19 pandemic and prevent their return to the streets. Councillor Harlow, Portfolio Holder for Housing, explained that the proposal would be funded by Government capital grant funding with the remaining balance raised through Council borrowing.
Discussion ensued regarding rent levels for the 25 studio apartments. The Portfolio Holder explained that as the intention was for clients to move-on to permanent accommodation, and the apartments were of a high specification, it was felt that the rent levels should not be set too low. It was noted that the Government had also provided revenue funding for a Tenancy Sustainment Officer and three Night Support Workers. Members also discussed the benefit cap and financing arrangements between the Council and Thameswey.
The Executive welcomed the proposed purchase of 121 Chertsey Road which would add to the Council’s existing portfolio of temporary accommodation premises.
REcommended to Council
That (i) subject to the Government grant funding being secured, the acquisition of 121 Chertsey Road for use as move-on accommodation be approved at a total cost of up to £6.7 million; and
(ii) the Director of Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, be authorised to take all necessary actions to secure the grant funding and deliver the scheme.
Reason: To enable the Council to provide suitable move-on accommodation for rough sleepers who have been accommodated during the Covid-19 pandemic and prevent their return to the streets.