14 Woking Football Club and Associated Developments EXE20-126 PDF 61 KB
Reporting Person – Ray Morgan
Additional documents:
In the interest of openness and transparency, the Executive received a report which provided an update on two specific actions arising from the recommendations agreed at Council, at its meeting on 30 July 2020, in regard to Woking Football Club and Associated Developments.
Firstly it was reported that the Council had appointed an Independent Person, nominated by the Local Government Association (LGA), to investigate and review the processes and actions of the Council in respect of the Woking Football Club and Associated Developments and to make appropriate recommendations to the Council. It was confirmed that the Independent Person, to be known as the “Investigator”, had been given an open remit with no constraints. Regarding timescales, the Executive was advised that a 3 to 4 week period had been assumed for completion of the exercise, depending on the Investigator’s findings. It was noted that the Investigator’s report would be received by the Chief Executive on behalf of the Council. The Investigator’s report would be received by Full Council, subject to corrections. Should an Officer report be required to accompany the Investigator’s report, an audit trail would be made clear.
Secondly the confidential Part II report considered by the Overview and Scrutiny, at its meeting on 5 June 2020, had been published on the Council’s website. Following a suggestion that the Part II report be put together with the Part I report on the website, the Leader undertook to consider if it would be possible.
That the report be noted.
Reason: To note publicly the action taken.