Additional documents:
At its meeting on 7 January 2021, Full Council had considered Dr Gifty Edila’s recommendations following her independent investigation into the Woking Football Club and associated developments. The Council had resolved that Dr Gifty Edila’s recommendations should be accepted and that Officers should report back to Council, on 29 July 2021, on progress made against the recommendations.
The Council now had before it a report which outlined the steps the Council had undertaken in respect of the adoption of the recommendations and to ensure continuing compliance with the same.
The action to-date was welcomed by the Council and the recommendations before the Members were agreed.
That (i) the report be noted;
(ii) the Overview and Scrutiny Committee be allocated an annual budget of £20,000;
(iii) the Legal Services department shall take steps to seek Lexcel accreditation and budget shall be allocated to cover the costs of the appointment of a consultant and an Administrative Officer;
(iv) the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution be updated; and
(v) an update report on the recommendations set out in Dr Gifty’s report is reported to Council in February 2022.