18 Monitoring Reports - Projects EXE21-065 PDF 81 KB
Reporting Person – Julie Fisher
Additional documents:
The Executive received a quarterly monitoring report on the progress of projects in the interest of financial prudence and to ensure open and transparent corporate governance. Members welcomed the new format of the report. Following a query as to why the Playground Improvements project was amber when the end date was listed as 2009, the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Kemp, explained that it was a rolling programme of improvements and that 2009 was a set date entered into the system. In relation to Heather Farm SANG, the Executive was advised that the project would be closed after March 2022 once the additional car parking spaces had been delivered.
It was reported that the Council was in a position to progress the Railway Underpass Refurbishment as Fire Engineer approval had been received and delegated authority from South Western Railways had been obtained.
Following a question regarding the issues with Victoria Square panels, it was highlighted that the project reporting was on the status of projects as at the end of September 2021. The panel issues were very current and under close scrutiny and monitoring. It was noted that the Chief Executive provided frequent updates on the latest status to Councillors.
It was noted that the Hoe Valley Flood Alleviation and Enhancement Appraisal project had received time extensions appropriately approved and assured through the Council’s project management process. It was explained that the RAG rating was done against the latest approved project deliverables; time and budget.
That the report be received.
Reason: To monitor progress on development to the Council’s project management approach.