13 Monitoring Reports - Projects EXE22-005 PDF 83 KB
Reporting Person – Julie Fisher
Additional documents:
The Executive received a quarterly monitoring report on the progress of projects in the interest of financial prudence and to ensure open and transparent corporate governance. A project update was provided on the installation of rising bollards in Church Street East. Following a query concerning progress on Playground Improvements Phase 4, it was noted that further funds had been included in the draft Investment Programme to complete the remaining three play areas identified in the current refurbishment list during 2022/23.
Regarding the Hoe Valley Flood Alleviation and Enhancement Appraisal, it was explained that the reference to Covid delaying the project recognised the overall impact to available funding.
The Executive was informed that the acoustic barrier required as part of the Sheerwater Regeneration Project would be an additional cost and would need to be managed through the Council’s project management processes.
That the report be received and project changes recorded in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.
Reason: To monitor progress on development to the Council’s project management approach.