Issue - meetings

Animal Welfare Policy

Meeting: 15/07/2021 - Executive (Item 10)

10 Animal Welfare Policy EXE21-036 pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Reporting Person – Emma Bourne

Additional documents:


The Executive received a report which sought approval to undertake public consultation and engagement in order to inform a draft Animal Welfare Policy.  The Chairman stated that the Conservative administration wanted the Council to be a leader in championing compassionate policies that advanced the welfare of animals in the Borough.  The Executive welcomed the Responsibility Guide which had been produced as a useful document for residents to help signpost to organisations responsible for each aspect of animal welfare.  The issue of fireworks, snare traps and the giving of pets as prizes were raised and it was noted that individual animal welfare policies would be addressed during the consultation process.  Following a question, it was confirmed that animal welfare was dealt with under the Licensing Committee.


That public consultation be undertaken as proposed in the report and engagement be carried out to inform a draft Animal Welfare Policy.

Reason:   To promote animal welfare, publish a draft guide and development of Council policy.