Notice of Motion - Cllr T Aziz - Review of the operation of Woking Borough Council's Planning Department.
Additional documents:
The Council considered the recommendations of the Executive in respect of Councillor Aziz’s motion seeking a review of the operation of the Borough Council’s planning department. The Executive had not been supportive of Councillor Aziz’s motion and had proposed an amended motion as follows:
“In recent times, Woking Borough Council’s Planning Department has recommended a number of planning applications subsequently voted down by the Planning Committee.
In addition, applications have been called in by Members and subsequently agreed by Councillors against officer advice even when previous refusals on identical schemes had already been issued – or enforced.
This Council calls for an LGA-appointed review of the operation of the planning function of Woking Borough Council, including the steps taken by officers and Members to come to decisions in performing their professional and statutory duties.”
In consideration of the recommendation before the Council, Councillor Barker moved and Councillor Howard seconded an amendment to delete the first two paragraphs of the recommendation, reducing the recommendation to the following:
“This Council calls for an LGA-appointed review of the operation of the planning function of Woking Borough Council, including the steps taken by officers and Members to come to decisions in performing their professional and statutory duties.”
Councillor Aziz advised that he was content with the amendment as moved by Councillor Barker.
In accordance with Standing Order 10.8 the names of Members voting for and against the motion were recorded.
In favour: Councillors S Ashall, A Azad, T Aziz, A-M Barker, A Boote, M Bridgeman, J Brown, K Davis, S Dorsett, G Elson, W Forster, D Harlow, K Howard, S Hussain, D Hughes, A Kirby, R Leach, R Mohammed, L Morales, M I Raja, C Rana, D Roberts, and M Whitehand.
Total in favour: 23
Against: None.
Total against: 0
Present not voting: The Mayor, Councillor Lyons.
Total present not voting: 1
The motion, as amended, was therefore carried by 23 votes in favour to no votes against.
That the Motion as amended be supported as follows:
“This Council calls for an LGA-appointed review of the operation of the planning function of Woking Borough Council, including the steps taken by officers and Members to come to decisions in performing their professional and statutory duties.”
Reporting Person – Corporate Leadership Team
Additional documents:
At its meeting on 8 April 2021, the Council referred the following Notice of Motion to the Executive.
Councillor T Aziz
“In recent times, Woking Borough Council’s Planning Department has recommended a number of mega-development planning applications despite having major failures against Woking policy.
While many of the recommendations given were subsequently voted down by the Planning Committee, it should not fall to them to uphold council policy. Decisions such as the football club, Goldsworth Road plans and numerous others which contravene planning policy have resulted in public calling into question the impartiality and independence of the department. It is also not clear what advice was given to developers and if they were given to believe that they had realistic chances of success despite major breaches. Clarity is needed on how these decisions were made by panning department and the extent of contact of those heading the department with developers.
Thus, this council calls for a review of the operation of the planning department of Woking Borough Council, including the steps taken by planning officers to come to decisions where plans which contravened Woking Planning Policy were recommended, advice given to developers and an independent investigation into correspondence and links between LPA and developers.”
Following discussions between Councillor Aziz and Officers, attention was drawn to a supplementary report which set out an amended form of wording which removed reference to those Officers who head the planning department. The revised wording of the Motion reads as follows:
“In recent times, Woking Borough Council’s Planning Department has recommended approval of a number of mega-development planning applications. While many of the recommendations given were subsequently voted down by the Planning Committee, it should not fall to them to uphold council policy. Decisions such as the football club, Goldsworth Road plans and numerous others which have been refused by the Planning Committee have resulted in the public calling into question the role of the planning department. It is also not clear what advice was given to developers and if they were given to believe that they had realistic chances of success despite the applications being refused. Clarity is needed on the role of the planning department.
Thus, this council calls for a review of the operation of the planning department of Woking Borough Council, including the steps taken by planning officers to come to recommendations where applications where refused by the Planning Committee, advice given to developers and an independent investigation into correspondence and whether there are any links between the LPA and developers.”
Councillor Aziz spoke in support of the revised Motion. The Executive acknowledged that planning was a complex process involving balancing Development Plan policies and material considerations. It was noted that Council policies applicable to planning applications were clearly noted in Planning Committee reports. Also, Officers arranged drop-in sessions in respect of large scale developments before consideration at Planning Committee. The Executive was in favour of an LGA-appointed review of the operation of the Council’s planning function which would include ... view the full minutes text for item 13