Issue - meetings

2020/0364 Ridge End, Hook Hill Lane, Woking

Meeting: 29/06/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 2020/0364 Ridge End, Hook Hill Lane, Woking pdf icon PDF 67 KB

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[NOTE: In accordance with the procedure for public speaking at Planning Committee, Mr Robert Falconer attended the meeting and spoke in objection to the application and Mr Lawrence Evans spoke in support.]


The Committee considered an application for a Section 73 application to vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of permission ref: PLAN/2018/0952 (Erection of 2x detached two storey dwellings (one four-bedroom & one three-bedroom) following demolition of existing dwelling and garage and erection of replacement detached garage to frontage) to allow external alterations and alterations to fenestration including insertion of new windows and doors (Amended Plans).


Councillor S Ashall, Ward Councillor, commented that this S73 application was changing significant fenestrations on site and queried whether the Planning Officer was satisfied that they were all included in this application and the measurements were accurate. The Planning Officer confirmed that he was satisfied that the application addressed all the additional and altered roof lights on site and that all changes were reflected in the report. Councillor S Ashall asked the Committee to consider whether any of these additional windows would cause overlooking to neighbouring properties.


The Planning Officer confirmed that the fenestrations all complied with the separation distance requirements of our planning policy.


Some Members commented that these were minor fenestration amendments and were surprised that this application had been called before the Committee.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions.