6 2021/0260 3JS Nursery, Smarts Heath Road PDF 51 KB
Additional documents:
[NOTE 1: The Planning Officer advised the Committee that six additional letters of support had been received. Thesereiterated the comments already summarised within the representations section of the report.]
[NOTE 2: In accordance with the procedure for public speaking at Planning Committee, Mr David Cockburn attended the meeting and spoke in objection to the application and Mr Patrick Cawood spoke in support.]
The Committee considered an application for change of use of part of the existing building to retail shop and use of outside space for cooking and hosting BBQs.
Councillor S Ashall, Ward Councillor, commented that business was capable of being supported on the green belt where appropriate, but queried whether this was contrary to paragraph 146 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). The Planning Officer advised that the existing use of the building was sui generis and that paragraph 146 of the NPPF allowed for the re-use of existing buildings and for change of use. This application was therefore considered acceptable.
Some Members commented that it was important to support small businesses and that they thought any impact on residents would be minimal as the site was quite far from the nearest residential road.
That planning permission be GRANTED.