Issue - meetings

2021/0281 SDC Southern, 90 High Road, Woking

Meeting: 20/07/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 2021/0281 SDC Southern, 90 High Road, Woking pdf icon PDF 1 MB

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[NOTE 1: The Planning Officer advised that the Government had today revised the National Planning Policy Framework. The principal amendment introduced a requirement that Local Planning Authorities should prepare design guides or design codes which were consistent with a national model design guide and which would reflect local character and design preferences. Officers had considered the amendments and advised that they did not change the conclusion of the assessments and any of the recommendations following on the Agenda.]


[NOTE 2: In accordance with the procedure for public speaking at Planning Committee, Ms Jane Warner attended the meeting and spoke in objection to the application and the applicant chose not to address the Committee.]


The Committee considered an application for the demolition of existing commercial unit and erection of two storey building containing 3no. one bedroom flats and 1no. studio flat (class C3), 1no. commercial unit (class E), with associated parking and landscaping.


The Chairman said that surface water flooding had been observed in this area only last week and commented that this was being seen fair more regularly and was not the once in 1000 years event noted. The Planning Officer advised that a climate change allowance had been applied to the application to reflect the changes we were seeing in flooding events.


Councillor A Boote, Ward Councillor, commented that she was also concerned about the flooding risk and that this must be taken into account. The Ward Councillor was worried about the impact this development would have on neighbouring properties in Beech Close and also the parking, which although it met our parking standards, what was proposed was woefully inadequate in this area. Councillor A Boote raised concerns around density, overlooking impact on 92 Beech Close, no amenity and also that some of the accommodation was below standard. The junction at Beech Close was already quite dangerous and the Councillor thought that this development would make it worse. Councillor A Boote stated that she would not support the application for these reasons.


The Planning Officer commented again on the flood risk concerns and it was noted that the condition regarding this was pre-commencement, so Officers would need to be happy with whatever flood risk mitigation was submitted before the development could go ahead.


The Planning Officer advised that there would be some overlooking from the balconies onto the facades of the neighbouring properties, but this had been assessed and considered acceptable.


Regarding the density the Planning Officer explained that as the development was within Byfleet centre there was a level of sustainability for this development, but the Committee would need to decide whether this had a detrimental impact on the character of the area.


Members of the Committee supported the concerns raised by the Ward Councillor and a number re-iterated these again in their comments.


Councillor J Brown proposed and it was duly seconded by Councillor A Boote that the application be refused on the grounds of overdevelopment – out of character, bulk, mass, flat size  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6