14 Economic Development Action Plan EXE21-067 PDF 164 KB
Reporting Person – Giorgio Framalicco
Additional documents:
Councillor Davis, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, introduced a report which sought approval to the Economic Development Action Plan. Councillor Davis explained that a Framework for Recovery had been published in July 2020 to assist businesses through the Covid crisis. It was noted that the Economic Development Action Plan would be an interim plan to 2023 when a new or updated economic development strategy would be adopted. The Economic Development Task Group had considered the Action Plan at its meeting on 25 August 2021.
Discussion ensued on potential skills and labour shortages post pandemic and it was noted that matching demand with the available workforce would be a priority. The Executive was advised that a Woking Hospitality Alliance had been set up to enable hospitality businesses to work together to lessen the impact of staff shortages. Events were also planned through the Woking Chamber of Commerce.
The Portfolio Holder advised that discussions were taking place with Jonathan Lord MP regarding a possible ministerial visit to promote Woking.
Members thanked the Portfolio Holder, the Economic Development Team and finance colleagues for their hard work in supporting local businesses, including the provision of grants during the pandemic.
That the Economic Development Action Plan be approved.
Reason: To allow Officers to implement the Action Plan in order to assist and steer Woking’s recovery for the present and medium term and resume our impressive, sustainable economic growth.