Issue - meetings

Community Engagement and Consultation

Meeting: 20/01/2022 - Executive (Item 13)

13 Community Engagement and Consultation EXE22-006 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Reporting Person – Julie Fisher

Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Azad, introduced a report which provided analysis of the feedback from communities through the engagement roadshows and questionnaire which took place between November and December 2021.  The Leader stated that the Council had a bold vision to be in constant communication with residents and to have an embedded culture of consultation.  The Leader thanked all those involved in the eight roadshows across the Borough.  It was noted that a more comprehensive response to the engagement would be produced and reported to the Executive on 24 March 2022, alongside the Corporate Plan 2022-27, which showed the actions taken as a result of the feedback.

Discussion ensued on the diversity of responses received, noting that they would be used to influence corporate priorities for the Council.  The Executive was advised that the Council would continue to reach out to all ages and communities across the Borough, and it was hoped to reach more diverse communities when a further series of roadshows and engagement activity was undertaken later in the year.

RESOLVED That the following be noted:

          (i)    feedback analysis from the Community engagement roadshows and questionnaire; and

          (ii)   a full response will be presented to the meeting of the Executive on 24 March 2022 alongside the 2022-2027 Corporate Plan.

Reason:   To update Members on the community engagement feedback and next steps.