8 Review of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy EXE22-013. PDF 7 MB
Additional documents:
Councillor Elson introduced the recommendations of the Executive in respect of the responses to the public consultation on the draft Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy. The proposals for additional cycle accessibility were welcomed, though disappointment was expressed over the level of disabled access to the SANGS. Councillor Elson highlighted the importance of improving accessibility and advised that proposals to increase accessibility were being considered.
That (i) the various representations to the consultation on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy together with Officer’s responses and recommendations as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be noted;
(ii) the revised Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy in Appendix 2 to the report be adopted as Supplementary Planning Document for the purposes of avoiding harm to the integrity of the Special Protection Areas due to development pressures;
(iii) the requirements of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy should apply to all relevant decisions from the date of adoption, in this case 10 February 2022; and
(iv) Surrey County Council and Woking Borough Council work in partnership to ensure access to SANGs and other parts of the Borough by all modes are considered, and this to be added to the remit of the Infrastructure Task Group.
11 Review of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy EXE22-013 PDF 86 KB
Reporting Person – Giorgio Framalicco
Additional documents:
Following the meeting of the Executive on 9 September 2021, Councillor Elson, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, introduced the report which outlined the responses to the public consultation on the draft Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas (SPA) Avoidance Strategy, and recommended to Council that the proposed amendments to the revised Avoidance Strategy be approved. It was noted that the Local Development Framework Working Group had considered the Strategy at its meeting on 16 December 2021 and the Group’s minor modifications had been incorporated into the Strategy.
Following a question regarding existing open space accessible to residents, the Executive was advised that existing open space could be brought to SANG standard if it met the necessary criteria. However, any existing use of the land would be discounted from the SANG capacity. Regarding transport and fuel costs for the ranger, the Executive was informed that the rangers patrolled the SANGs and the cost for doing so was part of the maintenance cost.
Discussion ensued on disabled access to SANGs. The Portfolio Holder commented that the Council would always consider accessibility when planning any new SANG or undertaking improvement works to existing SANG, with a view to making as accessible as possible within the limitations of the site. The use of boardwalks at Heather Farm was highlighted.
REcommended to Council
That (i) the various representations to the consultation on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy together with Officer’s responses and recommendations as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be noted;
(ii) the revised Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy in Appendix 2 to the report be adopted as Supplementary Planning Document for the purposes of avoiding harm to the integrity of the Special Protection Areas due to development pressures;
(iii) the requirements of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Areas Avoidance Strategy should apply to all relevant decisions from the date of adoption, in this case 10 February 2022; and
(iv) Surrey County Council and Woking Borough Council work in partnership to ensure access to SANGs and other parts of the Borough by all modes are considered, and this to be added to the remit of the Infrastructure Task Group.
Reason: To help avoid harm to the SPAs as a result of development.