Additional documents:
Councillor Elson, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, introduced the recommendation of the Executive in respect of the proposals for the future infrastructure requirements of the east of the Borough, drawn up through a joint study with other local authorities. The Infrastructure Delivery Plan had also reviewed the borough-wide infrastructure needs to support the delivery of the Core Strategy and the Site Allocations DPD. In light of the comments received at the meeting of the Executive, the Delivery Plan had been updated and included with the papers before the Council.
Follow discussion of the proposals, Councillor Elson responded to the points raised and recommended that the documents should be noted and approved.
That the contents of the Infrastructure Capacity Study and Delivery Plan be noted and approved.
Reporting Person – Giorgio Framalicco
Additional documents:
Following the Executive on 9 September 2021, Councillor Elson, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, introduced a report which set out the second part of the joint Study with other local authorities and partners on the future infrastructure requirements of the east of the Borough. It was noted that the revised Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) also reviewed the borough-wide infrastructure needs to support the delivery of the Core Strategy and the Site Allocations DPD. It was noted that the Local Development Framework Working Group had considered the IDP at its meeting on 16 December 2021. The Portfolio Holder advised that an Infrastructure Sub-Group of the Joint Committee had been set up to co-ordinate the delivery of infrastructure.
Discussion ensued on the comprehensive report and it was noted that it was intended to combine Parts 1 and 2 of the Study and to publish the revised IDP as a single document. Comments raised regarding formatting could be taken on board by Officers.
Regarding crematorium capacity, the Executive was informed that no evidence was provided by infrastructure providers during the 2021 review to indicate that the needs of existing and future residents generated by planned growth would not be met by Woking Crematorium and crematoria in adjacent boroughs. However the Portfolio Holder highlighted that the IDP continued to identify an opportunity to enhance infrastructure provision at Brookwood Cemetery, including increasing cremation capacity.
Members discussed infrastructure needs in the Borough including gas and electricity, the need of the ambulance service, and the Byfleets pharmacy needs. It was noted that the IDP was a living document which was reviewed bi-annually and could be updated to reflect changes in requirements. Regarding electric vehicle (EV) charging capacity, the Executive heard that UK Power Networks (UKPN) had identified the growth in demand for EVs and was prioritising areas which its models had identified as the first ones to be overloaded when the new load materialised.
Following a query regarding out-of-date information in the IDP, the Portfolio Holder agreed to take the comments onboard and confirmed that the IDP would be updated before it was published.
Following a question concerning the latest status of the Rive Ditch Flood Alleviation Scheme and Horsell SANGs, the Executive was advised that the work was being led by Surrey County Council and supported by Woking Borough Council and Horsell Common Preservation Society as the landowner. It was noted that there had been delays in receiving the required consents. Once consent had been received it was hoped to commence the works, which were expected to take around six months to complete, in Spring 2022. Questions were also raised regarding cycling, playing pitches, playgrounds and Sanway-Byfleet Flood Alleviation project.
That the contents of the Infrastructure Capacity Study and Delivery Plan be noted and approved.
Reason: To ensure that future development is supported by adequate infrastructure in a timely manner to facilitate sustainable development.