Notice of Motion - Cllr W Forster - Location of Woking's rail aggregates yard EXE21-151
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Councillor Kemp introduced the recommendation of the Executive to support the notice motion submitted by Councillor Forster in respect of the rail aggregates yard. Councillor Forster welcomed the support of the Executive, noting that the proposal called for the Council to endeavour to achieve the relocation of the yard as the matter was not under the control of the Council. The motion stated that:
“The Victoria Arch widening scheme has brought into focus that Woking's rail aggregates yard is in a completely unsuitable location.
The Council agrees to use its best endeavours to encourage Network Rail, Surrey County Council and other partners to move the aggregates yard to a more appropriate and non-residential location.”
Councillor Azad moved and Councillor Ashall seconded the following amendment to the motion, with additional wording highlighted in italics:
“The Victoria Arch widening scheme has brought into focus that Woking's rail aggregates yard is in a completely unsuitable location.
The Council agrees to use its best endeavours to encourage Network Rail, Surrey County Council and other partners to move the aggregates yard to a more appropriate and non-residential location.
In addition, the Leader of the Council will write to the Leader of Surrey County Council to advocate moving the goods yard. The Council will request that the Member of Parliament does so too.
The Council understands that this issue will be one requiring constant and ongoing attention. It therefore resolves to set up a Aggregates Site Working Group comprising the three ward members, SCC division member and portfolio holder for infrastructure.
The function of the working group will be to
a) engage with key stakeholders with the aim of moving aggregates activity out of the town centre and
b) to keep oversight of what best endeavours the Council can employ to pursue this objective.
It will report to the Council not less than once each year on its activity and progress.”
The Members of the Council were invited to debate the amendment, noting the additional provisions proposed. The amendment was broadly welcomed and was agreed nem con.
That the motion, as amended and as set out below, be supported.
“The Victoria Arch widening scheme has brought into focus that Woking's rail aggregates yard is in a completely unsuitable location.
The Council agrees to use its best endeavours to encourage Network Rail, Surrey County Council and other partners to move the aggregates yard to a more appropriate and non-residential location.
In addition, the Leader of the Council will write to the Leader of Surrey County Council to advocate moving the goods yard. The Council will request that the Member of Parliament does so too.
The Council understands that this issue will be one requiring constant and ongoing attention. It therefore resolves to set up a Aggregates Site Working Group comprising the three ward members, SCC division member and portfolio holder for infrastructure.
The function of the working group will be to
a) engage with key stakeholders with the aim of moving aggregates activity out of the ... view the full minutes text for item 7
6 Notice of Motion - Cllr W Forster - Location of Woking's rail aggregates yard EXE21-151 PDF 58 KB
Reporting Person – Corporate Leadership Team
Additional documents:
At its meeting on 14 October 2021, the Council referred the following Notice of Motion to the Executive.
Councillor W Forster
“The Victoria Arch widening scheme has brought into focus that Woking's rail aggregates yard is in a completely unsuitable location.
The Council agrees to use its best endeavours to encourage Network Rail, Surrey County Council and other partners to move the aggregates yard to a more appropriate and non-residential location.”
Councillor Forster attended the meeting and spoke in support of the Motion. Councillor Forster highlighted the unsuitability of the current town centre location of the aggregates yard and suggested that the Council’s corporate policy should be to try to move the yard to a more suitable alternative location. The Executive agreed that having an aggregates yard in the middle of the town centre was neither sustainable or desirable. The Lead Executive Member, Councillor Kemp, had written to Network Rail to express that consideration be given to finding a suitable alternative. Councillor Kemp undertook to share the response from Network Rail with Councillors when received.
It was noted that Surrey County Council (SCC) had recently launched a consultation on its new Minerals and Waste Plan, and the Council would submit a corporate response to the consultation on the unsuitability of the current site of the yard. Councillor Kemp advised that the consultation would be publicised on the Council’s website and members of the public were encouraged to engage in the consultation.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor Azad, would also be writing to the Leader of SCC to advocate moving the goods yard.
That the Motion be supported.