14 Update on the Housing Service EXE22-015 PDF 106 KB
Reporting Person – Louise Strongitharm
Additional documents:
Following the Council’s decision to bring Housing Management and Asset Management services back in-house and procure Housing Repairs and Maintenance works and services through third party contractors from 1 April 2022, Councillor Harlow, Portfolio Holder for Housing, introduced a report which provided an update on the significant progress achieved. The Executive heard that good progress had been made despite the complexity of the process, and that the Council was well positioned to provide a stronger housing offer from April 2022.
Areas of concern were raised such as the TUPE process, the volume of work still outstanding in preparation for April, and performance of the existing contractor during the remaining weeks of the NVH contract. The Portfolio Holder reported that the Council had made a proactive effort to engage with staff and was confident that all expected staff would TUPE into the Council. The Portfolio Holder also confirmed that all staff were at capacity to both demobilise the NVH contract and mobilise the new arrangements.
Following a question regarding outstanding complaints when the NVH contact ended, it was noted that the Council would ensure that all complaints were resolved either by NVH or the Council. In addition, the Council would be reviewing its Complaint Policy to ensure it complied with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code by April 2022.
That progress on transforming Housing Services from April 2022 be noted.
Reason: To provide an update on major changes to the Housing Service that will transform services to tenants and leaseholders.