Issue - meetings

Woking for all Strategy and Directorate Service Plans

Meeting: 31/03/2022 - Council (Item 7)

Woking for all Strategy and Directorate Service Plans EXE22-007.

Additional documents:


The recommendations of the Executive in respect of the Woking for all Strategy and Directorate Service Plans were introduced by Councillor Azad, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services.  The Strategy provided an overview of the Authority’s strategic outcomes for the coming five years.  The Directorate Plans replaced the existing service plans and provided links between the strategic outcomes and the priorities and service actions of the Directorates.


That (i)    the Woking for all Corporate Strategy 2022-27, as attached to the report, be adopted; and

          (ii)   the Directorate Plans 2022/23, as attached to the report, be adopted.

Meeting: 24/03/2022 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Woking for all Strategy and Directorate Service Plans EXE22-007 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Reporting Person – Julie Fisher

Additional documents:


Councillor Azad, Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, introduced the report on the Woking for all Strategy 2022-27 and the Directorate Plans.  The Strategy, which had been developed following community engagement roadshows and consultation, provided an overview of the Council’s strategic outcomes over the coming five years.  The contributions of both local residents and businesses in the development of the Strategy was acknowledged.  The Strategy set out the actions for the coming year which would support the delivery of the outcomes.

The six Directorate Plans replaced the Council’s existing service plans and provided the links between the strategic outcomes from the Woking for all Strategy and the Directorate priorities and service actions.

Councillor Barker, Shadow Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services, raised a number of questions over the Strategy, including the connection with the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), the size of the Resident’s Panel, the provision of electric charging points for residents and the absence of references to the financial challenges faced by the Authority.  Councillor Azad, Councillor Ashall and Councillor Davis responded to the points raised before moving to the recommendations in the report.

REcommended toCouncil

That  (i)    the Woking for all Corporate Strategy 2022-27, as attached to the report, be adopted; and

          (ii)   the Directorate Plans 2022/23, as attached to the report, be adopted.

Reason:   To enable the Council to clearly articulate its strategic objectives and focus of work within the Council and beyond.