Reporting Person – Giorgio Framalicco
Additional documents:
The Executive received a report which set out a recommendation from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that the Executive agree an Executive/Overview and Scrutiny Committee Protocol. The Protocol had been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 22 November 2021 and the Committee had agreed to recommend that the Executive agree the Protocol. The Leader was pleased to strengthen the role of the Committee to hold the Executive to account and to ensure an open and transparent Council.
Discussion ensued on the proposed quarterly meetings between the Leader of the Council and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairman. The Leader commented that it was important to have a regular dialogue to ensure collaborative working. The Leader had no objection to a note of the meetings being taken.
Following some suggested wording changes to the Protocol, the Leader was not minded to amend the Protocol wording as the document had been reviewed and agreed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. It was noted that the Protocol would be formally added to the Constitution during its review, and would therefore be considered by Council in due course.
That the Executive/Overview and Scrutiny Committee Protocol, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be agreed.
Reason: The Overview and Scrutiny Committee resolved at the Committee meeting on 22 November 2021 to recommend to the Executive that the Executive/Overview and Scrutiny Committee Protocol be agreed.