Notice of Motion - Cllr E Nicholson - Male violence against women EXE22-021.
Additional documents:
The Executive had considered the Motion by Councillor Nicholson which dealt with the issue of violence against women, and recognised the importance of the White Ribbon Campaign. The Motion recommended that the Council should raise awareness of the White Ribbon Campaign, make White Ribbon Day part of the civic calendar and host annual awareness training for elected Members. Councillor Harlow introduced the recommendation of the Executive to support the Motion, welcoming the objectives of the proposals.
That the Motion be supported.
7 Notice of Motion - Cllr E Nicholson - Male violence against women EXE22-021 PDF 59 KB
Reporting Person – Corporate Leadership Team
Additional documents:
At its meeting on 2 December 2021, the Council referred the following Notice of Motion to the Executive.
Councillor E Nicholson
“That Woking Borough Council notes that violence against women is a serious, prevalent, and preventable issue in our society.
Male violence against women must be ended, once and for all. Simply agreeing with the principle is not enough.
As a responsible authority we have a moral obligation to stand against and work to end male violence against women.
Council recognises the importance of White Ribbon and its contribution as part of a global campaign taking action to stop male violence against women and resolves to become an accredited authority.
Council commits to making White Ribbon Day part of the civic calendar with ambassador-led activities involving staff, members and the public.
Council agrees to raise awareness of the White Ribbon Campaign through regular updates and features in internal and external communications and provide opportunity to highlight the work of the Women’s Refuge and the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner.
Council will provide support to staff and members to take the pledge never to commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women and to become ambassadors and champions. Council will work closely with local partnership agencies and organisations involved in tackling male violence against women to work towards making Woking a White Ribbon Borough.
Council commits to hosting annual awareness training for all members.”
Councillor Nicholson attended the meeting and spoke in support of the Motion. The Executive heard that the Council already acknowledged White Ribbon and had supported the 16 days of activism in recent years. The Executive was supportive of the Council becoming an accredited authority, noting that it would require a commitment across the organisation and a steering group to be identified to oversee a three year action plan. Following a question, the Executive was advised that the cost of accreditation was £300 annually and would also require sufficient staff resource. Councillor Kemp stated that he would be happy to volunteer as a male ambassador in support of White Ribbon.
That the Motion be supported.