10 Housing Delivery Test and Action Plan EXE22-040 PDF 108 KB
Reporting Person – Giorgio Framalicco
Additional documents:
The Executive received a report which set out the Government’s 2021 Housing Delivery Test (HDT) and which sought approval to publish an Action Plan setting out how the planned Core Strategy housing requirement of 292 dwellings per year would be achieved by the Council in future years. Councillor Lyons, Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, explained that the Housing Delivery Test was an annual measurement of housing delivery against the planned housing requirement. It was noted that the Council would challenge the Government’s calculation for Woking of 78%, however the requirement of the HDT to identify a 20% buffer of housing land supply would still apply but this can be met from existing housing allocations and commitments.
Councillor Azad asked about the reasons for under delivery of the Council’s housing targets and the financial risks of not meeting the Council’s statutory obligations. The Executive was informed that the main cause of the under delivery was the impact of the pandemic and the associated problems with the construction industry, as well as complications arising from development on previously developed land. Regarding financial risk, it was noted that there was no direct financial risk for failing the HDT. However, the Council could lose New Homes Bonus if it did not meet the housing requirement.
That (i) the Housing Delivery Test published by the Government on 14 January 2022 with Officers’ response be noted; and
(ii) delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director – Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, to prepare and publish an Action Plan setting out how the Council would improve the prospect of achieving the planned supply of homes.
Reason: To ensure that Members of the Executive are informed about the Housing Delivery Test and the actions that the Council must take to address the failure to meet its planned housing requirement and to ensure that the Planning Committee is aware of the need to deliver new sustainable homes in accordance with the Local Plan.