8 Draft Town Centre Masterplan EXE22-044 PDF 103 KB
Reporting Person – Giorgio Framalicco
Additional documents:
Following the meeting of the Executive on 15 July 2021, the Portfolio Holder for Planning Policy, Councillor Lyons, introduced a report setting out the Draft Town Centre Masterplan which Officers had been requested to prepare with the purpose of providing an overarching framework to help guide development and investment decisions in the Town Centre. The Executive was asked to approve the Masterplan for public consultation and engagement between 25 July 2022 and 16 October 2022. It was noted that the Masterplan covered many topics including townscape strategy, leisure and culture, green infrastructure, housing and transport.
Following a question about potential locations for lower rise family housing, it was suggested that the sites identified in Oriental Road and Quadrant Court could be suitable.
The Portfolio Holder thanked Officers and Councillor Morales, Chair of the LDF Working Group, for their valuable work and input into the Masterplan.
The Executive welcomed the public consultation, noting the many opportunities for residents to take part and have their say during the twelve-week consultation period. Residents would have opportunities to feedback in person at a Town Centre hub, around the Borough and online.
That (i) the contents of the Draft Woking Town Centre Masterplan and the accompanying Site Analysis and Consultation Plan be noted and approved for public consultation and engagement between 25 July 2022 and 16 October 2022; and
(ii) delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director – Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, to approve any minor amendments to the Masterplan and the accompanying documents before it is published for community consultation and engagement.
Reason: To give the public an opportunity to comment on the Draft Town Centre Masterplan and for their comments to be considered before the Masterplan is adopted.