Issue - meetings

2022/0264 1 Creswell Corner,

Meeting: 07/06/2022 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 2022/0264 1 Creswell Corner, Anchor Hill, Knaphill pdf icon PDF 69 KB

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[NOTE: The Planning Officer proposed an additional condition as set out below;


Within three months of the date of this decision full details of Sheffield cycle stand(s) (including positioning, height and design) must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority the new Sheffield cycle stand(s) must be installed within two months of the details being approved and must thereafter be permanently retained and maintained for the lifetime of the use hereby permitted.


Reason: To promote the use of more sustainable modes of transport than the private motor vehicle in the interests of highway and pedestrian safety and the amenities of the area in accordance with Policies CS18 and CS21 of the Woking Core Strategy (2012), Policy DM7 of the Development Management Policies DPD (2016), SPD Hot Food Takeaway (2014) and the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).


The Committee considered an application for the change of use from Class E (Commercial, Business and Service) to hot food takeaway (Sui Generis) with a fan grille extractor opening to the rear.]


The Chairman commented that the previous application had been turned down and queried what had significantly changed. The Planning Officer advised that there was a large flue in the previous application that had now been removed, reduced opening hours and there was now a proposal for cycle parking.


Following a question regarding the decibel levels of the fan system, the Planning Officer explained that as part of the proposal, details of a silencer and frequency bands must be submitted; this was a condition recommended by Environmental Health. Refrigeration units would also now be placed internally within the premises. The Planning Officer was confident that any adverse noise levels would be covered by the conditions. Regarding how compliance would be checked, the Planning Officer commented that any neighbour complaints would be followed up and maintenance records of the extraction system would be checked.


Members queried why there was no longer any highways concerns for the current application. The Planning Officer explained that on the refused application, Surrey Highways had requested bollards to be installed, although when the applicant had not provided a scheme for bollards Surrey Highways did not raise an objection to the refused application. The Planning Officer advised that the applicant was now proposing bollards Surrey Highways had raised no objection to the current application.


Following a comment regarding the concentration of takeaways in the vicinity, the Planning Officer commented that the previous application had not be refused on these grounds, so it would be unreasonable to refuse on these grounds now.


Following a question regarding increased litter bins for customers, the Planning Officer confirmed that there was currently no condition regarding this. However, if the Committee were minded to approve the application, a condition could be added.


Councillor M Whitehand, Ward Councillor, made comment regarding the antisocial parking and the dropped kerb. The Planning Officer advised that bollards could not obstruct  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6