6 2022/0432 Eastwood Centre, 247a Albert Drive, Sheerwater, Woking PDF 127 KB
Additional documents:
[NOTE: The Planning Officer advised the Committee of an update to condition 2, which noted that the two tree plans were received on 18 May 2022, not 6 May 2022 as specified in the report.]
The Committee considered an application which sought planning permission for the erection of 4m high by 135m length timber acoustic fencing against part of existing Northern perimeter of site adjacent to the existing artificial grass pitch (AGP) on the site.
The Chairman queried whether there were any plans to stain the wood. The Planning Officer confirmed that there was nothing in the report and it was planned to be a natural timber fence.
Councillor T Aziz, Ward Councillor, commented that he was very happy this application had now come forward as residents had been asking for this since the leisure centre opened due to the noise.
Following a question regarding the removal of trees, the Planning Officer advised that paragraph 10 of the report identified six trees that would be removed, which were category C, low quality trees. The Arboricultural Officer was satisfied with the proposal.
Following a question regarding replacement of the removed trees, the Committee heard that there was an extensive landscaping scheme for the site and a lot of trees would be planted on site in the next phase.
Further discussion ensued on the colour of the fence, however the Members agreed that they did not want the installation of the fence delayed in anyway. If the fence was painted, it was acknowledged that this could cause considerable maintenance. Some Members thought that although the initial appearance of the natural timber was quite bright, this would weather and would soften over time.
The Committee agreed that an informative should be added to the application which stated that dark treated wood would be more acceptable if it was available within the timescale. If this wood was not available, the Committee agreed it was more important to get the fence installed.
The Committee were very pleased this application was now before them as it would be very beneficial to residents.
That the application be permitted subject to conditions and additional informative as detailed in these minutes.