11 Write off of Irrecoverable Debt EXE23-007 PDF 86 KB
Reporting Person – Brendan Arnold
Additional documents:
Members were advised, that under Financial Regulation 12.14, the write off of any debt over £10,000 had to be authorised by the Executive. A small number of business rate and housing benefit debts had been identified as irrecoverable and were now before the Executive. Going forward, it was noted that the process would be conducted quarterly rather than annually in order to allow greater opportunity to recover and manage debts more closely. Following a question regarding the lengths undertaken by the Council to recover debts, Officers advised that formal processes were followed based on the nature of the debt. Officers undertook to provide information to Members outside of the meeting regarding the formal processes followed, and whether notes were placed on credit records.
That the debts listed in Appendix 1 to the report be written off.
Reason: To write off debts over £10,000.
16 Write off of Irrecoverable Debt EXE23-007 PDF 52 KB
Reporting Person – Brendan Arnold
Additional documents:
The Leader reported that the item had been withdrawn to allow the Interim s151 Officer to investigate further. The Write off of Irrecoverable Debt report would be received at a future Executive.