15 Monitoring Reports - Woking For All Strategy EXE22-068 PDF 95 KB
Reporting Person – Kevin Foster
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The Executive received a report which provided an update on how the Council was performing against the actions resulting from the Woking For All Strategy (WFAS) and the Supplementary and Amended Priorities document. The Executive welcomed the progress being made on delivering the Strategy. Several areas of work were highlighted by the Leader, including the work to encourage diverse groups of users to leisure facilities, particularly at the Eastwood Leisure Centre, provision of mobile CCTV to tackle fly tipping and ASB, work to deliver a play area improvement plan, and the comprehensive Masterplan consultation.
That (i) progress against the actions resulting from the Woking For All Strategy and the Supplementary and Amended Priorities document are noted; and
(ii) the performance monitoring regime as detailed in the report, and the content of Appendix 1 to the report, be agreed and implemented moving forward.
Reason: To ensure that robust performance monitoring is in place to support the delivery of the Council’s Woking For All Strategy.