11 Cost of Living Crisis Update EXE22-070 PDF 137 KB
Reporting Person – Louise Strongitharm
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[NOTE: In accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct, Councillor I Johnson declared an interest in this item arising from his wife’s employment by Citizens Advice Woking. The interest was such that speaking and voting was permissible.]
The Executive received a report which provided an update on the Cost of Living Summit held on 27 September 2022, and which set out an action plan to be reviewed regularly by the Executive. The Executive heard that Summit participants had highlighted the need to communicate with residents both electronically and in paper format, and it was noted that Cost of Living information and support had been published on the Council’s website and in the Woking Magazine. The provision of warm hubs in the Borough had also been raised and it was noted Woking now had the largest number of warm hubs in Surrey. Food was also highlighted as an important issue, particularly given the increase in the cost of food, and the Executive noted initiatives in the Borough around food including food banks and community fridges.
Councillor Nicholson suggested that it would be useful for the Council to facilitate an online discussion with partners to discuss learning points in the spring.
The Executive thanked Officers for arranging the well-received Cost of Living Summit and for the Cost of Living information in the Winter Woking Magazine.
That the success of the Cost-of-Living Summit be noted and the Executive to receive regular reports on progress against the action plan.
Reason: To ensure Woking residents access the support they need this Winter with the Cost of Living and to monitor progress against the action plan.