Issue - meetings

Full Asylum Dispersal – South East Regional Delivery Plan

Meeting: 06/10/2022 - Executive (Item 13)

13 Full Asylum Dispersal – South East Regional Delivery Plan EXE22-071 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Reporting Person – Louise Strongitharm

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Refugee Support, Councillor Nicholson, introduced the report which sought approval of the Executive to endorse the proposed draft regional delivery model and options developed by the South East Strategic Partnership for Migration (SESPM).  The Executive noted the Council’s strong track record of welcoming refugees into the Borough.  It was highlighted that the full dispersal model would allow accommodation providers, working on behalf of the Home Office, to identify private rented sector properties that could be procured for asylum dispersal accommodation in the Borough.  Councillor Nicholson drew attention to further pressure the full dispersal model would put on local services and communities, namely accommodation scarcity and access to services.


That  (i)    the Government’s policy for asylum accommodation dispersal be noted, along with the associated implementation challenges both nationally and locally;

          (ii)   the regional delivery model to full dispersal proposed by the South East Migration Partnership be endorsed; and

          (iii)  the Strategic Director – Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Living Well, shall be delegated authority to decide whether Woking Borough Council can offer any further accommodation under its refugee resettlement commitments once the local implications of full dispersal are fully understood.

Reason:   To inform the Government’s plans to disperse accommodation for asylum seekers fairly and equitably across the country.