12 Cost of Living Crisis Update EXE23-014 PDF 150 KB
Reporting Person – Louise Strongitharm
Additional documents:
The Executive received a report on the ongoing local response to the Cost of Living crisis from the Council, partners and organisations across the voluntary and faith sector in line with the action plan. It was noted that progress was continuing to support vulnerable residents. Attention was drawn to the research undertaken by Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum (SMEF) and the Surrey Coalition of Disabled People to identify the effect of the cost of living on ethnic minority communities and disabled people. The Leader highlighted progress in the action plan concerning food, in particular the move towards a Surrey-wide food warehouse. It had not been possible to find a premises large enough in Woking, however a suitable warehouse was available in Guildford. It was noted that a start-up grant from Surrey County Council had been received by Foodwise and discussions were in progress to secure the site for the countywide food distribution hub.
The Executive recognised the voluntary work carried out by residents across the Borough and thanked them for their efforts. The work of the Angelic Network in Maybury distributing food parcels was highlighted.
Members also discussed promotion of Cost of Living information to residents, including the Warm Hubs map, noting that information had been promoted using a range of digital and off-line channels.
That the ongoing local response to the Cost-of-Living crisis from the Council, partners, and organisations across the voluntary and faith sector be noted, in line with the action plan.
Reason: To ensure Woking residents access the support they need this Winter with the Cost of Living and to monitor progress against the action plan.