9 Update on the ThamesWey Business Plans EXE22-078 PDF 141 KB
Reporting Person – Julie Fisher
Additional documents:
The Executive received a report which provided an update on the ThamesWey Business Plan 2023-2026. The Leader of the Council, Councillor Barker, explained that it was timely and necessary for a review to be undertaken of the purpose of each Company, particularly as the Council embarked on a period of strategic review, change and improvement. The Council’s new company governance arrangements was highlighted and it was noted that the Shareholder Advisory Group (SAG) had considered the draft Business Plan. As the SAG had requested further exploration of a number of options to minimise risk and improve financial performance, set out in paragraph 2.8 of the report, further work was required before the Plan was presented to Executive and Council for approval in February 2023.
The Executive welcomed work to review the Sheerwater regeneration project, and the exploration of housing association involvement in delivering the project.
Councillor Azad, Shadow Portfolio Holder for Corporate Strategy and Policy, raised questions regarding external opinions sought to ensure sustainability of Group companies, the formation of exit plans for Group companies, and the streamlining of Group companies. The Leader responded to the points raised before moving to the recommendations in the report.
That the update on the ThamesWey Business Plan 2023 – 2026 be noted.
Reason: To update the Executive on the positive progress being made on the ThamesWey Business Plan, aligning it with the priorities set out in the Woking for All Strategy.