Issue - meetings

Monitoring Reports - Projects

Meeting: 14/09/2023 - Executive (Item 9)

9 Monitoring Reports - Projects EXE23-027 pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Reporting Person – Kevin Foster

Additional documents:


The Executive received a report which provided an update on progress in relation to the Council’s project management arrangements, assurance and processes.  The report included the status of projects as at the end of July 2023.  The five projects marked red in the report were highlighted, including Rainwater Gardens and Redevelopment of Garages at Bonsey Lane.  It was noted that an update on Victoria Arch would be received in the coming months.

The Executive welcomed the completion of Play Area Repairs, such as surfacing repairs, at five playgrounds in the Borough.


That  (i)    the report be received; and

          (ii)   the  detailed project monitoring recorded in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

Reason:   To monitor progress on development to the Council’s project management approach.