13 Performance and Financial Monitoring Information PDF 995 KB
Please refer to your electronic copy of the Performance Management Report - Quarter 2, 2023/24.
Additional documents:
The Executive considered the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information contained in the Performance Management Report – Quarter 2, 2023/24. The Executive was advised that the helpful and informative new report replaced the previous Green Book. The report, covering July to September 2023, summarised the financial picture, provided progress against the IRP and KPIs, and was structured around the three Directorates within the Council.
Attention was drawn to the challenges faced by the Communities Directorate. The Portfolio Holder for Living Well advised that the Wellbeing Team produced a similar report on health needs in the Borough and suggested that the information be incorporated in some way into the Performance Management Report. The Leader agreed to consider how the information could be incorporated going forward.
Regarding the Place Directorate, the Portfolio Holder for Waste and Recycling drew attention to the KPI in relation to recycling. The Portfolio Holder encouraged residents to use the food waste bins provided as the cost of collecting food waste was considerably less than collection of residual waste.
The Executive welcomed the new Performance Management Report which would provide an overview of how each Directorate was performing, supporting greater openness and accountability, as well as aligning performance monitoring with the Improvement and Recovery Plan priorities.
That the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information contained in the Performance Management Report – Quarter 2, 2023-24, be received.
Reason: To manage the performance of the Council.