6 Performance Management Report PDF 1 MB
Please refer to your electronic copy of the Performance Management Report – Quarter 3, 2023/24.
Additional documents:
Following a question raised by the Chair Officers noted that the graduate programme was supernumerary. The Council would honour the programme for existing graduates but could not continue to fund the programme for future graduates.
Officers confirmed that development of the Local Plan would not be impacted by the staff restructure as its activity had been factored into the requirements of achieving the minimum viable position.
Officers agreed to confirm separately how any backlog of planning applications was being handled.
The Committee discussed the inconsistent use of colours, brackets and negatives to represent values across the report. Eugene Walker, the Section 151 Officer and Interim Chief Finance Officer, confirmed that it was an intention to make the numbers consistent in future editions.
Officers agreed to provide an explanation as to why the inspection of food premises was significantly below target of 100%.
It was noted that within the risks several had crystallised and that it would be beneficial to separate them out as issues.
The Strategic Director of Communities confirmed that the Let’s Rent scheme was an approved use of the homelessness prevention grant by Government. The Council had developed an action plan in conjunction with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in recognition of the length of time some residents spent in temporary accommodation.
There had been an increase in the demand for the Council’s homelessness prevention duties due to multiple factors including the cost-of-living crisis and landlords withdrawing from the sector reducing the number of rental properties available. It was recognised that the Council lacked sufficient throughput of tenants from temporary into permanent accommodation. 68 additional affordable properties were expected within the quarter in Red phase of the Sheerwater regeneration.
It was noted that the metric for the delivery of housing was a raw number per quarter but compared to a cumulative number which did not aid comprehension. Officers suggested that information on the number of properties delivered by the Council on a longer-term basis could be included in future editions of the Performance Management.
The Council was in the process of determining which historic tenancy rental arrears would need to be written off, particularly amongst former tenants. The accrual of arrears for current tenants had stabilised. Officers recognised that there was merit in considering how a corporate approach could be taken on handling debt.
It was requested that the exact length of Council Tax break before the Council became liable for Council Tax on a void property be confirmed.
The Strategic Director of Corporate Resources confirmed that changes to car parking fees was not to be considered at the March Executive meeting and would instead be considered in the new Municipal Year.
Electoral Services was overspent due to it being underbudgeted in the previous year but Officer confirmed that it had not increased in costs.
It was requested that the executive summaries include key achievements and concerns in future editions to aid review by Members.
Following a query by Members Officers offered to provide accounts ... view the full minutes text for item 6
10 Performance Management Report PDF 1 MB
Please refer to your electronic copy of the Performance Management Report – Quarter 3, 2023/24.
Additional documents:
The Executive considered the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information contained in the Performance Management Report – Quarter 3, 2023/24. The report, covering October to December 2023, summarised the financial picture, provided progress against the IRP and KPIs, and was structured around the three Directorates with the Council. The Executive recognised the intense activity being undertaken by the Council.
Regarding the Communities Directorate, the Portfolio Holder for Housing drew attention to the KPIs relating to homelessness and allocations on pages 18 to 19. The need to bring more Sheerwater properties back into use was highlighted.
The Portfolio Holder for Community Meals highlighted a campaign which was currently being publicised by the Council offering a free two day trial for potential new clients to experience and sample the food on offer. Councillor Nicholson encouraged Members to raise awareness of the offer which was hoped would increase take-up of the community meals service.
That the Performance and Financial Monitoring Information contained in the Performance Management Report – Quarter 3, 2023-24, be received.
Reason: To manage the performance of the Council.