Issue - meetings

2022/0393 Cherrywood, Blackdown Avenue, Pyrford

Meeting: 28/02/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

6 2022/0393 Cherrywood, Blackdown Avenue, Pyrford pdf icon PDF 86 KB

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[NOTE: In accordance with the procedure for public speaking at Planning Committee, Mr A Grimshaw attended the meeting and spoke in objection to the application and Mr S Darnley spoke in support.]


The Committee considered an application for the subdivision of plot of Cherrywood, retention of existing dwelling and erection of new attached two storey dwelling with accommodation in the roof space with associated parking and amenity space (AMENDED PLANS).


Councillor S Dorsett, Ward Councillor commented that the application had received objections from the residents forum and because of this he thought the discussion and determination of the application should be by Committee. Councillor S Dorsett commented that he had some concerns regarding the possible terracing affect and whether the application was contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan. Councillor S Dorsett thought that equivalent weight needed to be given to the Pyrford Neighbourhood Plan as the Core Strategy. The Councillor appreciated that the concerns raised were subjective, but he thought it deserved to be debated.


Follow a question raised regarding rear access to the original dwelling, the Planning Officer advised that passage had been included in the plans to maintain this separate access.


It was confirmed that the application was for a separate dwelling, there would be no internal access to the existing dwelling.


In accordance with Standing Order 22.2, the Chairman deemed that a division should be taken on the recommendation to approve the application.  The votes for and against approval of the application were recorded as follows.

In favour:                           Cllrs J Brown, G Cosnahan, R Leach, S Oades, T Spenser and M Whitehand.

                                 TOTAL:  6

Against:                              None.

                                 TOTAL:  0

Present but not voting:      Cllrs S Dorsett and L Morales (Chairman).

                                 TOTAL:  2

The application was therefore approved.




That planning permission be APPROVED.