6 Climate Change Strategy Update EXE23-045 PDF 145 KB
Reporting Person – Beverley Kuchar
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The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Forster, introduced the report on the Woking Net Zero climate change strategy. The Strategy had been reviewed in recent months, in part to take into account the Council’s focus on statutory functions. In particular, Officers had considered how the actions within the Strategy could best be delivered with the reduced resources now available.
The proposal was for a repositioning of the Council’s strategic direction to place greater emphasis on the tools and levers available and within the resource of the Authority to deliver the actions in the consultation version of the document. The Council would pursue its own plans to reduce its carbon footprint and where possible steer and shape the actions and activities of others. Within this context, a revised Woking Net Zero climate change strategy would be presented to the Executive in the Autumn.
In considering the report, the Leader emphasised that climate change remained a priority for the Council and that the work to achieve a net zero authority would continue, together with the ambition for a net zero Borough.
That (i) the Woking Net Zero climate change strategy be re-shaped and amended to demonstrate how the Council will ‘get their own house in order’ and influence and steer the actions and activities of others through Council strategies, policies and plans; and
(ii) within this context, a revised version of Woking Net Zero will be presented to Members in the Autumn for consideration and adoption.
Reason: To ensure the adoption of the Woking Net Zero climate change strategy is deliverable within the resources available across the Council.