Notice of Motion - Cllr K Davis - Digital Spine Connection EXE23-047
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Earlier in the year, Councillor Davis had submitted the following notice of motion, which had subsequently been considered by the Executive at its meeting on 15 June 2023. The Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Councillor Roberts, introduced the recommendation of the Executive to support the motion, and fully supported the objective to provide gigabit capable broadband to local businesses and residents. Councillor Davis thanked the Portfolio Holder for his comments, explaining that the intention was to encourage others to ensure all residents could access fast internet.
“At the March Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting, Enterprise M3, the Local Enterprise Partnership discussed the Guildford to Basingstoke Digital Spine and confirmed that Woking would not have a spur to join the Gigabit link. Connecting to the Internet via Gigabit links is a key part of the Digital Strategy as it is important for the economic output of the borough as well as the limitless opportunities high speed links provides to residents. Would the Council please investigate opportunities that exist with a view to ensuring that the borough is connected to the fastest possible digital backbone as soon as possible and certainly within three years if it cannot be achieved within the Digital Strategy period.”
The proposals were welcomed and it was the Council agreed to support the motion.
That the motion be supported.
7 Notice of Motion - Cllr K Davis - Digital Spine Connection EXE23-047 PDF 79 KB
Reporting Person – Corporate Leadership Team
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At its meeting on 30 March 2023, the Council referred the following Notice of Motion to the Executive.
Councillor K Davis
“At the March Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting, Enterprise M3, the Local Enterprise Partnership discussed the Guildford to Basingstoke Digital Spine and confirmed that Woking would not have a spur to join the Gigabit link.
Connecting to the Internet via Gigabit links is a key part of the Digital Strategy as it is important for the economic output of the borough as well as the limitless opportunities high speed links provides to residents.
Would the Council please investigate opportunities that exist with a view to ensuring that the borough is connected to the fastest possible digital backbone as soon as possible and certainly within three years if it cannot be achieved within the Digital Strategy period.”
Councillor Davis was not in attendance at the meeting to present the Motion. The Executive discussed the Motion which concerned investigating opportunities to provide gigabit capable broadband to local businesses and residents. Councillor Roberts, Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, advised that sufficient provision was most likely to be provided within the next three years by private sector network providers. However, the Portfolio Holder was supportive of investigating other opportunities to accelerate access to gigabit capable broadband should the Council not be achieving the proper balance of access for residents and businesses, and affordability in terms of resources available to the Council.
The Executive was supportive of the broad principle of the Motion. The Leader commented that further information could be provided ahead of Council on 20 July 2023 regarding potential future opportunities.
That the Motion be supported.