12 CIL - Application for Funding - West Byfleet Rec Tennis Court Enhancement EXE23-052 PDF 100 KB
Reporting Person – Beverley Kuchar
Additional documents:
The Executive received an application for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which sought to secure £71,500 to install two tennis courts at the West Byfleet Recreation Ground. It was noted that the application was conditional upon funding of £56,000 from the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). The application met the requirements of a CIL application and had broad community support with all Ward Councillors supportive of the project. It was noted that the LTA would oversee the project. The funds would be available for release from February 2024, subject to receiving £56,000 from the LTA. Should the Executive agree the application, it would become a contractual commitment and the money would not be able to be used for another purpose.
Councillor Brown queried the status of a further CIL application which had been submitted to the Council. The Portfolio Holder, Councillor Lyons, undertook to investigate the status of the application and report back to Councillor Brown.
The Executive welcomed the positive project and was happy to support the application.
That (i) the application submitted by Ward Councillors for West Byfleet Neighbourhood Area to install two tennis courts at West Byfleet Recreation Ground be approved; and
(ii) the Ward Councillors for the West Byfleet Neighbourhood Area be asked to oversee all works relating to the procurement and installation of the tennis courts in accordance with their project plan, project specification, costs and quality control.
Reason: To enable funding to be secured for the installation of two tennis courts at the West Byfleet Recreational Ground, West Byfleet Neighbourhood Area.