10 Calendar of Meetings 2024-25 EXE23-058 PDF 76 KB
Additional documents:
The Council was invited to agree the calendar of meetings for the 2024/25 Municipal Year. The Leader of the Council noted that the importance of scrutiny was recognised and that the dates of the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been chosen to take place shortly before the meetings of the Executive.
That the Calendar of Meetings 2024/25 be approved as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
8 Calendar of Meetings 2024-25 EXE23-058 PDF 76 KB
Reporting Person – Gareth John
Additional documents:
The Executive received a report which sought approval to recommend to Council the Calendar of Meetings 2024-25. It was noted that the report proposed that meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee were held in the same week as the Executive to allow for pre-decision scrutiny. In addition, it was proposed to reduce the number of Planning Committees held during June and July. The Leader reminded Members that additional meetings could be arranged during the Municipal Year if required.
REcommended to Council
That the Calendar of Meetings 2024/25 be approved as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.
Reason: In accordance with Standing Order 1.2 of the Constitution, which states that “The date of the annual (Council) meeting and those of ordinary meetings shall be fixed by the Council in or about December of the preceding municipal year”.