Issue - meetings

Woking Environment Action (WEAct) – Recommendations and Responses

Meeting: 13/06/2024 - Executive (Item 7)

7 Woking Environment Action (WEAct) – Recommendations and Responses EXE23-063 pdf icon PDF 233 KB

Reporting Person – Beverley Kuchar

Additional documents:


In February 2023 the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee had received a presentation from Woking Environment Action (WEAct) on their work to address issues relating to climate change and sustainability.  The presentation had led to a series of recommendations which had been referred for consideration by the Greener Woking Working Group.  Councillor Forster, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, advised that the Government intervention had delayed the Council’s response to the recommendations whilst consideration was given to their deliverability.

The intention now was to revise the consultation version of the Woking Net Zero climate change strategy to reflect the changed circumstances of the Council and achieve what was practical within the recommendations from WEAct, with whom the Council would continue to work closely.


That WEAct’s recommendations be noted and that the suggested next steps be actioned as part of the forthcoming updated Climate Change Strategy, Woking Net Zero.

Reason:   To update the Executive in accordance with the resolution made at its meeting on 23 March 2023.