Reporting Person: Councillor Josh Brown
Additional documents:
The Committee mooted removal of several items from the Suggested Additions to the Work Programme in recognition of the workload of the Committee. It was deemed unlikely to proceed with inviting Affinity Water, South Western Railway and Royal Mail at Committee. A view was expressed that the Thames Water item should still be pursued given the fruitful outcomes from previous engagement with the utility company.
Councillor Brown suggested that the third parties could be invited to separate briefings, with discussion on whether these should be public to be held with Officers outside of the meeting. Any outcomes of such meetings would be reported at Committee.
Councillor Brown noted two items on the Executive Forward Plan that the Committee could perform scrutiny of prior to consideration by the Executive: Review of Fees and Charges and ThamesWey Business Plans.
The Committee also considered calling additional meetings to ensure sufficient capacity to consider scrutiny topics.
That the Work Programme be noted.