Issue - meetings

Work Programme

Meeting: 11/09/2023 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)

9 Work Programme OSC23-041 pdf icon PDF 173 KB

Reporting Person: Councillor Josh Brown

Additional documents:


The Committee reviewed the suggested additions to the work programme and, in light of the increasingly full work programme for the remainder of the Municipal Year, agreed to remove several items.  The items were: Commissioner-Officer Working Relationship, Community Grants Update, Invite Affinity Water, Invite Royal Mail. Invite South Western Railway, Review of Company Governance Structure, Update on Company Governance Structure.  The items would be reviewed at the end of the Municipal Year.

It was moved and agreed by the Committee to form a Task and Finish Group on the ‘suggested additions to the Work Programme’ item, HS2 Brookwood Cemetery.  Officers were requested to draft a Terms of Reference for the Group and present it to the Committee for its approval at the next meeting.

The Committee agreed to add to the agenda of the October meeting a report on Member Training. Also added to the October meeting would be the amendment to the Public Speaking at Planning Committee section of the Constitution as raised by Scrutiny Topic Proposal at the 10 July meeting.

Officers commented that Victoria Square and ThamesWey Group updates would remain on the Executive Forward Plan.

Officers had previously agreed to provide MTFS papers to Overview and Scrutiny prior to their receipt at Council.  The Committee requested that workshop(s) be arranged to  cover the proposals.  Officers undertook to determine appropriate dates for workshops.


That the Work Programme be noted.