10 Amendments to Constitution - Questions from Members of Public STA23-027 PDF 127 KB
Additional documents:
The Council considered the recommendations of the Standards and Audit Committee which proposed amendments to the existing arrangements for receiving questions from members of the public at Council meetings, which had been introduced earlier in the year. The recommendations included the suggestion that each questioner would be offered the opportunity to ask one supplementary question at the meeting.
That (i) the existing section on Questions from Members of the Public (Appendix 1 to the report) in the Council’s Constitution be updated under Section 1 of Part 4;
(ii) the addition of any references within the new section to other sections within the Constitution be delegated to the Monitoring Officer as minor amendments; and
(iii) the Monitoring Officer be instructed to make the agreed changes to the Constitution.
8 Amendments to Constitution - Questions from Members of Public STA23-027 PDF 127 KB
Reporting Person – Gareth John
Additional documents:
The Committee received the fourth and final recommendation from the Corporate Governance Working Group which suggested amendments to the arrangements for receiving questions from members of the public at Council meetings, which had been introduced earlier in the year. The report included the proposal to enable each questioner to ask one supplementary question at the meeting. Members broadly welcomed the proposal.
(i) the existing section on Questions from Members of the Public (Appendix 1 to the report) in the Council’s Constitution be updated under Section 1 of Part 4;
(ii) the addition of any references within the new section to other sections within the Constitution be delegated to the Monitoring Officer as minor amendments; and
(iii) the Monitoring Officer be instructed to make the agreed changes to the Constitution.