Issue - meetings

2023/0505 Woking Community Hospital

Meeting: 07/11/2023 - Planning Committee (Item 6)

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[NOTE: In accordance with the procedure for public speaking at Planning Committee, Mrs Helen Archer attended the meeting and spoke in objection to the application and Mr Jack Wagstaff spoke in support.]


The Committee considered an application for an extension to Woking Community Hospital to create a new diagnostic centre and associated alterations to car park (amended plans).


Councillor L Lyons, Ward Councillor, spoke on the application and explained that himself, Councillor I Johnson and Councillor E Nicholson had referred it to the Committee for consideration. The Councillors had been contacted by residents about the loss of privacy the removal of the trees would create and Councillor L Lyons thought it important that deliberation on the item took place in public. He commented that most residents were supportive of the hospital expanding and enhancing the services offered, however the loss of trees on the western boundary was the contentious point; these trees formed a natural barrier between the hospital site and the flats at St Andrews Gate. Councillor L Lyons thought that is this point could be addressed then the residents would be broadly happy with the application.


Some Members of the Committee queried whether the proximity of Heathside Crescent car park meant that this hospital car park expansion was unnecessary. The Planning Officer advised that the application must be considered in the form as put forward.


The applicant had suggested that they would be happy to submit a full planting plan before the start of the development. The Committee thought this was a good idea and asked that an additional condition be added regarding landscaping details on south west boundary, which was to be submitted before the development commenced.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to an additional condition be added regarding landscaping details on south west boundary.